RV Heilbronn-Franken (0812) — Preventive flood protection (8152)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

General Kurzbeschreibung:Zur protection and recovery of natural flood areas, risk prevention in potentially flood-prone areas and water retention in its catchment areas are defined in the Regional Plans for Preventive Flood Protection. The delimitation of the areas for preventive flood protection should be based on a design flood with a return interval of 100, on the Upper Rhine of 200 years. In areas at risk of flooding in the open space, areas for preventive flood protection shall be defined as priority areas in order to avoid additional risk of damage, to preserve and activate natural flood areas or for water development and flood restoration. Areas for installations and preventive flood protection measures, in particular polders, retention basins and dyke relocations, are also to be secured as priority areas. In the priority areas, the interests of flood protection have priority, in particular they must in principle be kept free from further development. The regional plans may define other areas at risk of flooding to avoid exacerbation of floods and to mitigate damage risks as reserved areas. In particular, the latent hazard behind and below flood protection systems (potential flood zones) must be taken into account. In these areas, preventive flood protection is particularly important in all spatial planning and measures; in principle, settlement activity should be absent. The aim is to reduce flood peaks by means of additional drain-inhibiting and landscape ecological measures, in particular through the relocation of dikes, dismantling of water extensions, natural water development and the construction of retention basins. Specific Kurzbeschreibung:Mehr information about the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/4911c24d2f17a24383cde0da2c11c69dbda8d193
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