RV Neckar-Alb (0841) — Areas for recreation (8147)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

General Kurzbeschreibung:Zum protection of natural goods, nature-related uses and ecological functions against other uses or land use can be designated in the regional plans areas for recovery in the form of priority and reserved areas. In priority areas, nature-related uses and the fulfilment of ecological functions take precedence over other, especially structural uses. On the other hand, other land-significant uses or measures must be weighed in reserved areas. The increased demands of the population for leisure and recreation must be taken into account by means of a needs-based designation and design of suitable areas. In doing so, the landscape character and the sustainability of the natural budget must be preserved, to promote the nature experience and to ensure a need-based connection and access by public transport. Spas, spas and tourist resorts must be strengthened in their importance for recreation and tourism. Development and further development of infrastructure for the specific needs of recreation and tourism should be encouraged. Recreational facilities must be integrated into existing settlements as far as possible or built in accordance with them. In the vicinity of larger settlements, easily accessible areas for local leisure and recreation must be kept and designed. Facilities for leisure activities and recreation should be integrated into the landscape, as little as possible affect the landscape and be environmentally compatible, especially in landscapes close to nature. In order to satisfy the demand for opportunities for sporting activities and relaxing pleasures in large-scale leisure facilities, suitable spaces and locations must be secured and designed in a way that is compatible with space and environment. The situation in the spatial and settlement structure as well as the concerns of nature conservation and landscape conservation as well as the economical use of land must be taken into account. Leisure facilities with strong visitor traffic are to be connected to public transport and local roads. Housing estates and health resorts must be protected from disturbing influences. Specific Kurzbeschreibung:Mehr information about the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/7c47d2d2026d8151150d4b3e798ed6a6d94f8c09
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