RV Neckar-Alb (0841) — Locations for shopping centres, large-scale retail establishments and other large-scale retail establishments (8124)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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General brief description: The regional plans may define locations for shopping centres, large-scale retail establishments and other large-scale commercial establishments in the form of priority areas, reserved areas and exclusion areas. In priority areas, the settlement of these facilities shall take precedence over other uses. In reserved areas, other spatially significant uses or measures shall be weighed. In exclusion areas, the establishment of shopping centres, large-scale retail establishments and other large-scale commercial establishments is excluded. Shopping malls, large-scale retail establishments and other large-scale retail establishments for final consumers (retail wholesale projects) are part of the central supply system; as a rule, they may only be designated, erected or expanded in upper, central and sub-centres. By way of derogation, locations in small centres and municipalities with no central function may be considered if: this is required according to the spatial structural conditions for securing basic services, or these are located in densification rooms and have grown together with settlement areas of neighboring upper, middle or sub-centres. Manufacturers’ direct sales centres as a special form of large-scale retail are generally only permitted in upper centres. The retail space of large-scale retail projects should be such that their catchment area does not significantly exceed the central interdependence area. The near-consumer supply of the population in the catchment area and the functioning of other central locations must not be significantly affected. Large-scale retail projects must not significantly affect the functioning of the town and town centres of the local community, either by their location and size or by their consequences. Large-scale retail projects will primarily be designated, built or expanded at urban-integrated sites. For non-centre-relevant product ranges, peripheral urban areas are also eligible. New large-scale retail projects will only be realised at locations where they can be connected to local public transport in a timely manner. The definition of locations for major regionally significant retail projects in the regional plans will be carried out mainly on the basis of a regional development concept. As part of an integrated urban planning, a balanced retail structure is to be maintained or sought on the basis of regionally coordinated retail concepts. Specific short description:More information about the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/45ff55e34dc2fd70812941ddab382e1b394ee1e4
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