RV Neckar-Alb (0841) — Priorities for industry, commerce and service facilities (8123)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

General brief description: The regional plans may define priorities for industry, trade and service facilities in the form of priority areas, reserved areas and exclusion areas.In priority areas, settlement activity in the industrial, commercial and service sectors shall be preceded by and concentrated in other uses. In reserved areas, other spatially significant uses or measures shall be weighed. In exclusion areas, priority areas for industry, trade and service facilities are excluded.Focuses for industry, trade and service facilities are identified in the regional plans where, from an infrastructural point of view and taking into account environmental concerns, the best settlement conditions are provided. Expansion areas from existing sites, new identifications following existing settlement areas as well as areas connected to the rail network or a waterway will be taken into account as a matter of priority.The definition of appropriate focal points for industry, trade and service facilities aims to intensify the development of inter-municipal commercial areas, including across the national border. The development and occupancy of the land should be carried out in such a way that a high-quality and intensive use of the site is guaranteed and reuse is possible.The Association of Region Stuttgart is obliged to identify regionally significant priorities for industry, trade and service facilities in the regional plan. This obligation does not exist in the other regions, but it is possible, especially if the territorial definition can be justified by regional requirements.Specific brief description:More information on the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/9f1f9e00099a35a078340fd782744b03e5abb066
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