RV Southern Upper Rhine (0831) — Areas for securing water resources (8151)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

General brief description: In order to ensure long-term water supply, regional plans may, to the extent necessary, include areas to secure water resources in the form of priority and reserve areas. In priority areas, nature-related uses and the fulfilment of ecological functions take precedence over other, especially structural uses. On the other hand, other land-significant uses or measures must be weighed in reserved areas. A sufficient supply of drinking and utility water must be ensured in all parts of the country. Usable deposits must be secured and managed sparingly, to protect drinking water catchment areas in large-scale areas and to use suitable local deposits as a priority for the supply. As a natural resource, groundwater must be protected from adverse influence. Groundwater-sensitive areas are particularly protected by site-adapted uses and further requirements. To safeguard the water treasure, groundwater must be used in such a way that its ecological function is maintained and the new formation is not exceeded. Specific short description:More information about the resource can be found at: https://www.geoportal-raumordnung-bw.de/de/metadaten/regionen/kurzbeschreibung/0b245b2fdd8129802981b425f99e8cfaf9645dfc
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