Seismic stations — Influencing wind turbines

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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NIBIS-Metadaten, Geologie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

When planning wind turbines, the operation of seismic stations must be taken into account. Studies show that the ground disturbance caused by the operation of the wind turbines via the foundation affects the signal quality of seismic measuring stations. The resulting interference signals overlay seismic signals and impair the observation conditions of earthquake monitoring. The interference signals generated by a wind turbine decrease with the distance from the wind turbine, but can also cause significant disturbances in a few kilometers away. From a technical point of view and against the background of the essential public importance of seismic measurement systems, it is necessary to maintain the widest possible distance between the stations of seismic measuring networks and wind turbines. According to current knowledge, the aim is not to fall below a distance of 5 km. We also recommend identifying the areas intended for wind turbines outside the influence areas of seismic location stations. Areas of influence around stations of the Landesmessnetz Niedersachsen (LBEG) and the cooperation network Lower Saxony (LBEG, BGR) are shown on the NIBIS map server of the LBEG. Further information on seismic stations (commissioning, targets of measurements) can be found in the metadata of the topic “Seismic Stations”. If you have any questions about these stations or general questions about seismic stations in Lower Saxony, please contact the Lower Saxony Earthquake Service (NED). In Lower Saxony, other seismic stations are operated by other operators. For information on this, please refer to the explanations in the metadata of the topic “Seismic Stations” (measuring networks 3, 4, 5 and 6). With specific questions about stations of other operators, please contact them directly.
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