Social Spatial Offers of Youth and Family Assistance (SAJF) Hamburg

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.30 22:00
Available languages
Anlaufstelle, Jugendliche, Familien, Kinder, hmbtg, Beratung, SOCI, Unterstützung, Geodaten, Erwachsenen, jungen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Youth and Family Assistance (SAJF) offers practical support and advice for families and young people on a daily basis.The use of the offers is voluntary and free of charge. The planning is carried out by the respective youth welfare office. The social-spatial offers can be divided into five fields of action: SAJF — Early assistance and support for families in biographical transitions: Social-spatial offers in this field of action offer practical support, individual advice and Accompaniment as well as requesting and subsequent activation for families. They are aimed at (coming) parents in special stress situations and at transitions such as birth, daycare, school. SAJF — Accompanying children and adolescents in extracurricular services: Meeting points, group offers and open consultation combined with individual support and support, especially in the context of open child and youth work. The focus is on the promotion of emotional and social development and empowerment as well as everyday management. SAJF — School-related offers: Offers in this field of action are aimed at children and young people whose school success is endangered by individual, family or social problems. They support in educational biographical transitions from day care to primary school and then to secondary school. SAJF — Offers for professional integration and support for independent living: Offers of professional integration and support for an independent lifestyle offer individual advice if a self-responsible lifestyle is at risk due to the lack of social and professional integration prospects. This also includes social space accommodation and housing opportunities for the transition. SAJF — Family Council: The Family Council is a process that supports families to invite their network (relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.) and to develop their own and therefore tailor-made solutions to their problems with this concentrated competence. Family council offices provide more information for families, teachers, day care centres or other interested parties and provide coordinators for the implementation of a family council.
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