Soil class overview map for earthworks according to DIN18300:2012-09 (RETURNS) 1: 50 000 — Maximum ground class from 0 to 1 m (WMS service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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OGC::WMS, infoMapAccessService, infoManagementService, Geologie, NIBIS-Metadaten
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Dataset description

Since 2015, according to VOB and DIN 18300:2016-09, homogeneity ranges to be defined according to VOB and DIN 18300:2016-09 have to be defined instead of the previously generally defined soil classes. For these homogeneity ranges, the properties and characteristics specified in accordance with DIN 18300:2016-09 and their bandwidth, which may require targeted field and laboratory tests, must be specified.Homogeneity ranges can usually only be defined with the planning and information on process techniques. Since the “floor classes according to DIN 18300:2012-09” were used in many existing plans/construction projects and are still being used in old projects, the soil class overview map according to DIN 18300:2012-09 is further presented for a transitional period. For the planning, calculation and billing of earthworks, the upcoming sediments and rocks were divided into so-called soil classes according to the General Technical Contract Conditions for Construction Services (ATV) in the Procurement and Contract Regulations for Construction Services (VOB). For earth and rock works according to DIN 18300:2012-09 the soil class classifications contained in this DIN applied. Soil class 1: Top floor Soil class 2: Flowing soil types Soil class 3: Easily detachable soil types Soil class 4: Medium detachable soil types Ground class 5: Hard-to-resolvable soil types Ground class 6: Easily soluble rock and comparable soil types Floor class 7: Hard-to-resolvable rock For preliminary planning purposes, maps of the soil classes for earthworks according to DIN 18300:2012-09 in scale 1:50,000 up to 2 m depth (from GOK) were derived from the soil map of Lower Saxony 1:50,000 (BK50). The area units shown in the BK50 are based on a typical soil profile. Corresponding soil groups according to DIN 18196, soil classification for structural engineering purposes, were assigned to the soil types contained therein. The soil groups and solid rocks were assigned to the corresponding soil classes according to the classification criteria of DIN 18300:2012-09. The highest soil class in the depth profiles are shown: 0 m to 1 m, as well as 1 m to 2 m and the predominant soil classes (weighting by thickness, max. 3 classes with equal weighting) in the depth profiles: 0 m to 1 m, 1 m to 2 m, and 0 m to 2 m. The actual ratios may differ from the scale homogenised map representation. For example — in the Auesediments of the Elbe, Leine and Weser (Soil Classes 2 and 4) — locally low-powered block layers are known, which would be assigned to soil classes 5 or 6. It is noted that the “Soil Class Overview Map for Earthworks according to DIN 18300:2012-09 1:50 000” cannot replace a geotechnical exploration of the building ground according to DIN EN 1997 2:2010-10 with supplementary regulations DIN 4020:2010-12 and national Annex DIN EN 1997 2/NA:2010-12.
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