Soil erosion hazard — INSPIRE View-Service (WMS-LBGR-BOEROSION)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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infoMapAccessService, Erosion, WMS, ABAG, inspireidentifiziert, Winderosion, Erosionsgefährdung, Bodenerosion
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The INSPIRE View Service represents the risk of erosion caused by wind and water in the state of Brandenburg. The content presented was for scale 1: 300,000 created and are larger for representations in scales 1: 100,000 are not suitable. Important parameters for the assessment of the erosion hazard are the field block and the comparative index. The field blocks are the smallest contiguous, mostly agriculturally usable areas, which are surrounded by sharp external borders (paths, roads, trenches, canals, development, forest) that are recognizable in nature. They are usually part of the so-called agricultural blows, which are more likely to constitute farming units. The comparative index is composed of the area fractions of the valuation categories and the weighting factors for the respective reference unit formed by the valuation categories (here: Field block) calculated. Each field block receives a population-related assessment of the erosion hazard (0=no to 100=maximum). Forest and settlement areas are not taken into account. The erosion is according to the General Soil Removal Equation (ABAG) according to the formula: A = R × K × LS × C × P calculated. (A: average annual soil removal [t/ha/a]; R: Rain and surface discharge factor; K: Soil erodibility factor (tone and humus content, water permeability, aggregate size); LS: Relief factor (hang inclination, slope length); C: Covering and processing factor; P: Erosion protection factor (barriers, such as dams, hedges, rows of trees). The erosion calculations were carried out by the geoflux GbR Halle.
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