Sources (WFS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.22 00:00
Available languages
infoFeatureAccessService, Datenkatalog, OGC::WFS, INSPIRE_SVDD, opendata, infoManagementService, Gewässernetz
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The isolated location of the springs in the urban area of Dresden is shown. According to § 2(4) SächsWG, sources are “the natural exit of groundwater, not only temporarily occurring at a particular, localised location.” The sources were mapped in 2007/2008 on behalf of the Environmental Agency by the nature concept office.Additions were made in 2010 and 2015 and 2021. The following factual information is provided for the individual sources: unique number (standnr); running No. (NR); Name (NAME);Location description (LAGE); Source type, e.g. seepage source, linear source (TYP_QUELLE and TYP_QUELLE_ERL);Subtype, e.g. rich in fine materials (SUBTYP_QUELLE and SUBTYP_QUELLE_ERL); Statement on water management, e.g. permanent (Water FUEHRUNG and WATER FUEHRUNG_ERL); Statement on proximity to nature (ZUSTAND and ZUSTAND_ERL); Assessment of whether it is a biotope according to § 30 BNatSchG (BIOTOP and BIOTOP_ERL);Date of entry (date); High and legal value (HOCH, RIGHT);a description (description); Information on the hazard (facing); any comments (NOTE);pH, conductivity and water temperature at the time of detection. There are also two photos for each source. The isolated location of the springs in the urban area of Dresden is shown. According to § 2(4) SächsWG, sources are “the natural exit of groundwater, not only temporarily occurring at a particular, localised location.” The sources were mapped in 2007/2008 on behalf of the Environmental Agency by the nature concept office. Additions were made in 2010 and 2015 and 2021. The following factual information is provided for the individual sources: unique number (standnr); running No. (NR); Name (NAME);Location description (LAGE); Source type, e.g. seepage source, linear source (TYP_QUELLE and TYP_QUELLE_ERL); Subtype, e.g. rich in fine materials (SUBTYP_QUELLE and SUBTYP_QUELLE_ERL); Statement on water management, e.g. permanent (Water FUEHRUNG and WATER FUEHRUNG_ERL); Statement on proximity to nature (ZUSTAND and ZUSTAND_ERL); Assessment of whether it is a biotope according to § 30 BNatSchG (BIOTOP and BIOTOP_ERL); Date of entry (date); High and legal value (HOCH, RIGHT); a description (description); Information on the hazard (facing); any comments (NOTE); pH, conductivity and water temperature at the time of detection. There are also two photos for each source.
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