Specific Green Volume 2009 (WMS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2015.06.15 00:00
Available languages
INSPIRE_SVDD, OGC::WMS, Datenkatalog, infoMapAccessService, Schutzgebiete, opendata, infoManagementService
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The specific green volume as synonym for green volume is based on the expert report “Green Volume Determination of the City of Dresden based on Laser Scan Data” prepared by the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development e.V. (IÖR) of August 2014 (notes: Data base 2009-2011). This can be viewed under the assigned document. Introduction: Urban green is indispensable from an urban ecological and social point of view and fulfils important functions such as dust retention, temperature reduction, wind damping or groundwater regeneration. In addition, public green spaces provide oasis of tranquility, which serve recreation, leisure and communication and fulfil important social functions. Depending on the context, the vegetation is described by different characteristics: — Forestry (Baumart, stock density, breast height diameter and shielding degree) — Botany (leaf area index — LAI = Leaf Area Index — as a basis for determining the certification density and photosynthetic activity or production performance) — Agriculture (plant biomass, as measure of yield accounting). In the urban context, the biodiversity of vegetation makes it difficult to capture leaf area index or biomass. For this reason, simple, planningally meaningful and, above all, practicable indicators play an important role. For the application in large-scale construction management and landscape planning, a computational determination of the green volume was therefore developed by the planning community GROSSMANN, SCHULZE, POHL. The green volume is described by means of the area-related green volume number (GVZ). It was introduced as a counterpart to the planning-relevant benchmarks for structural use, such as the base area number (GRZ) or the number of floor areas (GFZ). In addition to the vegetation-related indicators biotope factor (BFF), soil function number (BFZ) and the degree of greening, it is intended to enable the formulation of minimum requirements for greening during planning, as it has a high ecological significance. What is the Green Volume Number (GVZ)? Green volume is understood as the sum of the above-ground volume of all plants. It is indicated in m³. The green volume is limited by the outer shell of the vegetation, which is described in the practical survey of idealised geometric primitive forms: — Cradle: Lawns, herbs and shrubs — Ball: e.g. oak — Cylinder: e.g. poplar — Cone: e.g. conifer The green volume total of all vegetation objects in relation to a defined reference area (e.g. building block) results in the green volume number (GVZ), which is alternatively referred to as “specific green volume” and has the unit m³/m². The present generalised grid (original resolution 0.5 m) already has the specific green volume (m³/m²) for the individual cells (resolution now 1 m), which at the same time corresponds to the absolute green volume. Data base/methodology: The basis for determining the green volume is laser scan data, RGBI image data and building data. A detailed description of the procedure can be found in the associated document. Classification of the specific green volume: — 1st class: vegetationless (= 0 m³/m²) — 2nd class: up to and including 0.1 m³/m² — 3 rd class: up to and including 0.5 m³/m² — 4th class: up to and including 0.75 m³/m² — 5th grade: up to and including 1 m³/m² — 6th grade: up to and including 3 m³/m² — 7th grade: up to and including 8 m³/m² — 8th grade: up to and including 14 m³/m² — 9th grade: up to and including 20 m³/m² — 10th grade: up to and including 25 m³/m² — 11st grade: exceeding 25 m³/m² The classification in the present gradation is based on the assumptions made in the model and for a better plastic representation of vegetation objects. Limitation: In accordance with the intended use for environmental, landscape and construction planning, the application scale is limited to 1:5,000 despite seemingly detailed presentation possibilities.
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