Structural model of the quarternary in the sub-catchment "Mittlere Oder"

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Quartär, Grundwasserhemmer, Strukturgeologie, Geology, Brandenburg, 3D-Modell, Mittlere Oder, Geologisches Strukturmodell, Hydrogeologie
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Dataset description

The project Geo3D-Oder aims at establishing geological 3D models of three sub-catchment areas along the Oder river in the federal state of Brandenburg in the north of the confluence of the Neisse river. The combined model of the sub-catchments shall serve as a basis for a quantitative groundwater model. In this context the model shows the aquitardes formed by the cohesive sediments of ground moraines, glaciolacustrine deposits and sediments of the Holstein interglacial period up to the till of the younger Elsterian ice age as the lowest horizon. For the time being any other space is interpreted undifferentiated as an aquifer. The respective data basis comes from the “Lithofazieskarte Quartär (LKQ 50)” of the former GDR at a scale of 1 : 50,000. The structural model of the sub-catchment area „Mittlere Oder“ constitutes the first model section. It consists of the ground surface derived from the Digital Terrain Model DGM 50 and ten horizons confined by top and base layers. As a simplification, the model assumes a concordant sequence of horizons without any faults. Due to data gaps for several horizons just a hypothetical modelling is feasible in relevant parts applying a specifically developed methodology. For this purpose, auxiliary horizons (“virtual horizons”) are built based on the elevation of other horizons in order to serve as modeling constraints. The resulting horizons were finished using several tools provided by the modeling software SKUA-GOCAD.
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