Temporary internal differentiation of habitat types in FFH areas [single-part polygons]

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2004.06.13 22:00
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Dataset description

In the framework of the designation of FFH areas and the production of the standard data sheets for the FFH areas, a “Provisional internal differentiation” of the habitat types of FFH in the FFH areas was developed by the I.L.N. Greifswald on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment M-V in 2003/2004. The ‘Provisional internal differentiation’ is not a systematic on-site mapping of habitat types under Annex I of the Habitats Directive, but rather a compilation of technical information from different sources. The mapping of the legally protected biotopes, the biotope and usage type mapping by CIR aerial image analysis, information from the forest data storage system and the forest natural space map as well as various individual reports were used. The main objective of the internal differentiation was to provide a sound estimate of the total area size of the habitat types within the respective FFH area. This information was needed to complete the Standard Data Sheets (StDB). The StDBs are the official form for transmitting data on the notified FFH areas to the European Commission. The exact location of the habitat types within the Habitats Area may differ from the ‘Provisional internal differentiation’. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that the underlying sources of information are sometimes over 10 years old. On the other hand, for the sources of information used, the FFH habitat types were not mapped directly, but rather units were mapped (e.g. protected biotopes, stocking types, natural space mosaics, biotope and use types, plant societies, vegetation forms) which are not or only partially identical to FFH habitat types, i.e. the habitat types of FFH could only be approximated. It is therefore necessary to assess, before any use of the ‘Provisional Internal Differentiation’, whether it is sufficiently precise in the specific area and for the specific question. If this is not the case, up-to-date habitat type surveys must be carried out on-site. It should also be noted that, due to the presence of species listed in Annex II and/or as functional complementary areas and/or buffer areas, also areas of habitats that do not have habitat types after the “Provisional Inland Differentiation” are important due to the presence of species listed in Annex II and/or as functional complementary areas and/or as buffer areas. Technical note: All areas are individually available as “single-part polygons” (in 7/2005 conversion to ArcInfo cover and then reconversion to ArcView shapefile under deletion of island areas). Alternatively, the initial shape file ffhlrt04.* is available, in which all areas of a habitat type within an FFH area are grouped into a “multi-part polygon”, which therefore has only one record in the attribute table.
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