Thermal conductivity and heat withdrawal performance — Possible heat withdrawal capacity, 2400 operating hours, when dry

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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2022.11.23 00:00
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Dataset description

This application is intended to provide the builders, planners and drilling companies with geological, hydrogeological and geothermal data for the design and construction of geothermal probes. The following maps can only serve as orientation, as the underlying drill grid does not allow reliable, area-like statements due to the complex geological storage conditions in wide areas. The design of the required drilling depths must therefore always be based on the layer sequence encountered during the drilling. The data for the loosening rocks come from the VDI 4640. The values for the solid rocks were determined in the State Office for Geology and Mining. Terms of use see: the heat withdrawal services indicated here are only for rough orientation. They do not replace the individual assessment of each bore for the construction of a geothermal probe or the specific plant dimensioning. Due to rock changes, layer storage, ventilation and weathering, small-scale differences can occur. In addition, the actual specific withdrawal capacity of a geothermal probe, in addition to the geological factors, is strongly dependent on the design, installation of the probe and operation. The layers were assigned possible heat withdrawal performances for the dry and water-saturated state. For the loose rocks, these correspond to the VDI 4640 sheet 2. For the fixed rocks, the possible withdrawal rates for plants with 1800 operating hours/year according to SANNER (2005) were approximated without groundwater flow: SEL(1800) = -0.85WLF² + 13.62WLF + 22.13 For 2400 hours/year (after regression according to VDI 4640, tab. 2): SEL(2400) = 0.801*x — 2.8224 with x = SEL(1800) The maps show the mean possible withdrawal performance per metre drill distance for drilling up to 40, 60, 80 and 100 m depth. The values for the dry substrate are minimum values. Punctual data on the level of the groundwater level see map Groundwater flow distance.
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