Thickness map for Stefan

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.11.26 00:00
Available languages
inspireidentifiziert, Geologie
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Dataset description

The map for the Stefan level (System: Carbon; Subsystem: Upper carbon/siles; 325-290 Ma) shows the thickness of Stefan. The information is available for the project area in the area of the central German North Sea (Geotectonic Atlas, Baldschuhn et al., 2001). The map was created for use in the input model of the dynamic 3D model of the central German North Sea. The aim of the modelling is the reconstruction of the sinking, temperature and maturation history of carbonated petroleum nut rocks, which can be used as a basis for estimating the potential of KW. The basis of this depth map is the map “Rest Power Stefan” in scale 1:500,000 from Brückner-Röhling et al. (1994), which was digitised, geo-referenced and smoothed for use. For the preparation of the depth map, the determined thickness for the Stefan level was added to the depth of the upper red lying horizon above. For the numerical simulation, it is necessary that the depth maps for the simulated area are available nationwide, i.e. each cell or cell corner point of the 3D model has a numerical value. These maps therefore do not indicate the actual distribution. In the model are areas where no Stefan spread exists, areas with a zero thickness. Data source: BRÜCKNER-RÖHLING, S., HOFFMANN, N., KOCH, J., KOCKEL, F., KRULL, P. (1994): Deep gas: Carbon potential in the prewest fal of the NW-German basin [and] natural gas potential in the pre-westfal of the NE-German sink: Structural, thickness and carbonation maps of the North German Upper Carbon and Perm Basin and its margins < 1:500000>. Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials. Hannover. Literature: BALDSCHUHN, R., BINOT, F.; FLEIG, S. &AMP; KOCKEL, F.(2001): Geotectonic Atlas of Northwest Germany and the German North Sea Sector. — Geol. JB, Series A, 153: 3-95, 3 CD-ROME.
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