Use-dependent risk of erosion caused by water for the natural areas of Germany in 2007 (IST scenario with 50 % of the land area in conserving order)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.04 00:00
Available languages
R-Faktor, Bodenerosion, ABAG, Wassererosion, 2011, Deutschland
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Dataset description

The average annual risk of erosion caused by water for the year 2007 is calculated according to DIN 19708 with the general soil removal equation ABAG for arable land. For the calculation, the factors R=low impact intensity (long-year average summer precipitation of the period 1971-2000, DWD), K=grounderodability (k-factors of the BÜK 1000, BGR, 2005), L=hang length, S=hang tilt (DGM 25, BKG, 2007 level) and C=fruit sequence factor (as crop species groups, agricultural structure survey 2007, FDZ Nord) were taken into account. For the ordering method (soil processing) based on an inventory by Epperlein, 2008 (GKB-Tagung, 2008) at the time of the investigation, it is assumed that about 50 % of the arable land is processed in a conserving order in the nationwide average (non-applying, mulch seed). Accordingly, the scenario represents the IST state. Cross machining in the form of the P-factor was not taken into account due to the scale and viewing space. The calculation was made nationwide for a mesh width of 50 metres and C factors at the level of the natural space, because data at municipal level, depending on the farm structure, are subject to a secret reservation and there is a risk that no uniform basis for evaluation can then be used. For this reason, average hazard values were calculated for the natural units (BFN, as of 2008), which are shown here. The presentation was made for the overview only for arable land, which was determined on the basis of the use-differentiated land overview map for Germany (BÜK 1000 N, BGR, as of 2007). The methodology and further results are UBA Text 16/2011 ( “The effects of climate change on soils — studies on the effects of climate change on soil erosion by water” Wurbs, D. and Steininger, M.
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