Water protected areas of the Saarland

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.06.15 00:00
Available languages
Saarland, geoportal
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Water protected areas are designated at the request of a water supply company in an administrative procedure with public participation exclusively for the protection of the public water supply (drink water supply). In Saarland, the protected areas are divided into three zones: Zone I (area representation WSG Drinking and Service Water Barrier Nonnweiler) Zone II (Delimitation takes place according to the flow duration of the groundwater calculated from the hydrogeological conditions of 50 days up to the conveyor system. This zone is particularly protected from exposure to pathogenic germs and parasites, as they can enter the conveyor system) Zone III (Here it is the catchment area of the conveyor system defined according to hydrogeological considerations. Impurities caused by long-lived chemicals within this area may enter the production plant over time, thus requiring special protective measures against the intrusion of these substances). Zone B (representation of the sanctuary protected areas) The data set of the water protection areas of the Saarland contains previously designated water protection areas as well as the areas repealed since the initial registration in May 2009. The decommissioned areas are marked by the RELEASE attribute containing the corresponding date of repeal. The following attribute information is available: N° = WSG number, NAME = name of the WSG, BEGUENSTIG = beneficiary municipality, REGULATION = measurement scale INFO = link to the associated metadata, REGULATION = legal basis, protection zone = protection zone, REGULATION = date of repeal of the WSG, REGULATION = date of initial termination, AND_ORD = date of further regulations, if available REGULATION = Summary of REGULATION and AND_VERORD as a text field for simple representation, LAND = contains an abbreviation for the federal state, where the WSG lies because parts of different areas are located in Rhineland-Palatinate, OIDEXT = concentration of NR of the WSG, the protection zone and the federal state; these are required for a clearer presentation, and more.
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