Waters — old state (processing result Uni SB)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2009.07.01 00:00
Available languages
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Archive data prior to the transfer to the GDZ; Waters of the Saarland with the following attributes: A5101_OB = Object ID of the ATKIS water layer A5101_OA = object type of the ATKIS water layer, distinguished in 5101 (natural waters) and 3524 (water axes) GEFKOID_07 = catchment area-related ID of the database “water development capability”. Serves for spatial orientation. GEFID_07 = GEFID of the database “Water Development Capability”. Key attribute for linking water geometries and database. A5101_GN = Old water name of the ATKIS water layer A5101_KN = Old water code (short name) of the ATKIS water layer GEWNAME_08 = New water name (replaces A5101_GN) GEWKN_08 = New water code (replaces A5101_KN) OWKNR_07 = surface water body number (category area for all waters — reportable and non-reportable) EC_WRRL = Reporting agent (attribute: 1) and non-reportable (attribute: 0) Waters within the meaning of EC WRL BETR_NR = number of the viewing area HMWB = 1 = designated as significantly modified superfluid water body 0 = natural waters (was only intended for EC_WRRL = 1) LAWA_TYP = substrate-embossed flow water type according to LAWA (was only intended for EC_WRRL = 1) 5 = coarse material, Silicatic low-mountain streams 5.1= fine material, silicatic low mountain streams 6 = fine-material, carbonate low mountain streams 7 = carbonate low mountain streams 9 = fine-coarse material-rich, silicatic middle mountain streams 9.1 = carbonate low mountain rivers 9.2 = small rivers of the low mountain range 9.2_g = large rivers of the low mountain ranges 9.1 = carbonate low mountain streams 9.2 = Small rivers of the low mountain range 9.2_g = Large rivers of the Middle Mountains GEW_BEW_07 = water development capability assessment 1 = very good 2 = good 3 = moderate 4 = unsatisfactory 5 = poor 0 = not rated GEW_TYP_07 = 1= development potential 2 = structural potential 0 = not evaluated NOTE = Explanation to the attributes WIDM = dedication 1502 = first-order waters 1503 = second-order waters 1504 = third-order waters
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