WCs Population share in the active range of high-voltage overhead lines

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Landwirtschaft, opendata, Planung, Verkehrswesen, Geowissenschaft, Statistik, Flächennutzung, Siedlungsstruktur, Umwelt, Gewässer, Raumwissenschaft, Bodennutzung, Gebäude, infoMapAccessService, Bodenbedeckung
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Dataset description

In the case of installation and substantial modification of low-frequency installations as well as DC systems, § 4(2) (26). BImSchV) to minimise electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields from the respective system in the field of action. Exposure ranges of low-frequency installations are contained in the general administrative provision implementing the Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields — 26. BImSchV (26. BImSchVVwV) defined as follows: ‘The area of action of an installation shall be the area in which the installation causes significant electrical or magnetic fields that stand out from the natural and medium anthropogenic immissions, regardless of whether the immissions actually cause harmful environmental effects.’ These areas are used in the indicator as a measure of distance for the effect of electric and magnetic fields. When determining the provisions set out in Appendix 1 to 26. BImSchV-listed limits were taken into account by acute effects caused by electrical currents generated in the body by alternating electric and magnetic fields. Biological effects resulting from the exposure of electrical and magnetic fields cannot be ruled out for humans even at low magnetic flux densities. In this context, for example, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) advises to keep the exposure from electromagnetic fields as low as possible. The BfS shall designate as precautionary measures, inter alia: — Minimising the exposure of the population to low-frequency fields (including high-voltage lines) -Informing the population about field intensities of relevant field sources, such as high-voltage lines, are comparable statements in the administrative regulation (26. BImSchVVwV) contains, so the general population is at the center of the minimisation consideration. The population should be exposed as little as possible from the electrical and magnetic fields arising from the electrical and magnetic fields through appropriate technical measures at the plant. In accordance with the precautionary principle under European environmental law, the prevention of environmental risks is provided for even in uncertain circumstances. Therefore, the minimisation requirement should not only apply in the case of significant changes or new construction of plants, but should be extended to the plant stock in order to avoid harm to human health. As a result, the indicator indicates the population in the range of existing high-voltage lines (at least 110 kV) in Germany. The indicator makes a first contribution to the comprehensive risk assessment and raises awareness of precautionary measures in the context of electromagnetic radiation by high-voltage overhead lines. For more information, visit http://www.ioer-monitor.de/index.php?id=44&ID_IND=B31RT. Registration is required for the use of WCS and WFS services. Please register at https://monitor.ioer.de/monitor_api/signup.
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