WFS blade cut DTK500

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Dataset description

Division of the state area of Baden-Württemberg into square areas with 80 km side length. The leaf cutting divisions available in the RIPS pool are available as vectors. For example, they can be used as orientation and navigation aids. The name (number, name) and the respective year of issue are included as factual information. Please note the following information on the completeness and quality of the data provided: due to inaccuracies in the acquisition of subject objects, non-valid geometries according to OGC schema validation occur occasionally. As GIS servers such as ArcGIS servers, GeoServers or UMN MapServer need to use/process more and more accurate data bases, the test routine is always further developed and encourages inaccuracies (e.g. by third-party software) in the tolerance range as well as in topological detection. This means that geometries can no longer be represented or captured. The contested geometry errors include, among other things, self-intersections (self-intersections) or double support points. The LUBW therefore cannot guarantee the completeness and stability of the Download Service (WFS). Therefore, if necessary, please check the completeness based on the presentation services (WMS) also offered.
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