WMS flood risk map NRW

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.10.21 00:00
Available languages
LANUV, LANUV-WMS, Schutzeinrichtungen, Kartendienst, HQ, Hochwasserrisikokarte, Hochwasser-Risikokarte, WMS, EG-HWRM-RL, Risiko, Wahrscheinlichkeit, inspireidentifiziert, HQ50, HQ500, Geodatendienst, HQ100
Quality scoring

Dataset description

North Rhine-Westphalia has been making considerable efforts for many years to protect people, the environment, economic and cultural goods from the dangers of flooding. In addition to structural measures, the mapping of risks, the information of the affected citizens, precautionary planning and flood-oriented development planning are of central importance. By 2015, flood risk management plans will be developed in North Rhine-Westphalia for all areas where significant flood damage can occur. The aim of the new plans is to inform about existing hazards and to capture and coordinate actions from different actors in order to reduce and manage flood-related risks to human health, the environment, infrastructure and property. The basis for this is the EC Flood Risk Assessment and Management Directive (EC-HWRM-RL), which entered into force on 26 November 2007. The aim of the Directive was adopted by the Federal Government in the amendment to the Water Budget Act (WHG) (in force since 1 March 2010). The following steps are foreseen to implement the WHG: Until December 2011: Preliminary assessment and definition of areas where floods may pose a significant risk to human health, the environment, cultural heritage, economic activities or material assets (so-called risk areas). Until December 2013: Preparation of flood hazard and risk maps for these areas. Flood risk maps are drawn up on the basis of flood hazard maps for the same flood scenarios. In addition to the flood hazards (extension of floods), the flood-related adverse effects (e.g. the number of inhabitants concerned, affected residential or protected areas, endangered cultural objects) are to be presented.
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