WMS NW Flight Noise

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
NRW, Köln, NW, Arnsberg, Flugplatz, Abteilung 3, Detmold, Dortmund, Isophone, Düsseldorf, Bezirksregierung, Laermschutz, Fluglaerm, Paderborn/Lippstadt, Geilenkirchen, Flughafen, Nörvenich, Münster/Osnabrück, Köln/Bonn, wms_nw_fluglaerm, Münster
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Digital Service Air Noise Zones offers a digital model of noise protection zones for the civilian Cologne/Bonn airport, as well as the military airfields Nörvenich and Geilenkirchen. The legal basis is the Fluglärmgesetz i.d.F. of 31.10.2007 (FluLärmG), on the basis of which the country, on the date of 07.12.2013, 27.06.2013 and 15.10.2013, the Ordinance on the fixing of the noise protection area for the traffic airport Cologne/Bonn (Air Noise Protection Ordinance Cologne/Bonn — FluLärmKölnV), the Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the military airfield Nörvenich (Fluglärmschutzverordnung Nörvenich — FluLärmNörvV) and the Ordinance on the Determination of the Noise Protection Area for the Military Airfield Geilenkirchen (Air Noise Protection Ordinance Geilenkirchen — FluLärmGeilenkV). The model for the presentation of noise protection zones is based on the corresponding curve points of the respective regulations — coordinate system: UTM image in Zone 32, Ellipsoid GRS80, date ETRS89 — which were determined by the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection NRW in a topographic map in scale 1:50 000 and in sheets of the German Basic Map in scale 1:5 000. Both the day protection zones and the night protection zone are shown in a gradation of 5 dB(A) equivalent continuous sound level, as well as the maximum alpine level in the night protection zone of 6 by 57 dB(A), which allows a plot-sharp representation of the corresponding noise pollution.
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