WMS Regionalplan Havelland-Flaeming 2020 (repealed)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Regionalplanung, WMS, Raumordnung, Landesplanung
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By order of 21 March 2019, the BVerwG dismissed the non-admission complaint against the judgment of the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg of 5 July 2018. As a result, the regional plan has been ineffective since 02.05.2019. Regional planning (objectives and principles) of the Havelland-Fläming region on settlement (settlement areas, services of general interest, commercial development) and on open space (free-space protection, wind energy use, near-surface raw materials). The specification map (drawing specifications), Part B of the Regional Plan Havelland-Fläming 2020, was issued by the Regional Assembly of the Regional Planning Community Havelland-Fläming on 16.12.2014 as a statute (Section 2(4) sentence 1 of the Law on Regional Planning and lignite and restructuring planning (RegBkPlG) in the version of the notice of 8 February 2012 (GVBl. I No 13), by Article 9 of the Law of 11 February 2014 (GVBl. I No 07) has been amended). By decision of 18 June 2015, the statutes were approved by the Joint Regional Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg as the supreme regional authority responsible for spatial planning, with the exception of the drawing specification “Recovery of near-surface raw materials” (Z 3.3.1) with the designation “VR 08” (Section 2(4) sentence 2 and 3 RegBkPlG). According to point 3 of the approval decision of 18.06.2015, the definition of the exemption from the authorisation is not shown in the specification card of this publication version. The articles of association published correspond to the version of the Statute Decision of 16.12.2014, as amended by the approval of 18.06.2015. The publication in the Official Gazette No.43 of the State of Brandenburg and thus the acquisition of res judicata took place on 30 October 2015. By order of 21 March 2019, the BVerwG dismissed the non-admission complaint against the judgment of the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg of 5 July 2018. As a result, the regional plan has been ineffective since 02.05.2019. Regional planning (objectives and principles) of the Havelland-Fläming region on settlement (settlement areas, services of general interest, commercial development) and on open space (free-space protection, wind energy use, near-surface raw materials). The specification map (drawing specifications), Part B of the Regional Plan Havelland-Fläming 2020, was issued by the Regional Assembly of the Regional Planning Community Havelland-Fläming on 16.12.2014 as a statute (Section 2(4) sentence 1 of the Law on Regional Planning and lignite and restructuring planning (RegBkPlG) in the version of the notice of 8 February 2012 (GVBl.I No 13), by Article 9 of the Law of 11 February 2014 (GVBl. I No 07) has been amended). By decision of 18 June 2015, the statutes were approved by the Joint Regional Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg as the supreme regional authority responsible for spatial planning, with the exception of the drawing specification “Recovery of near-surface raw materials” (Z 3.3.1) with the designation “VR 08” (Section 2(4) sentence 2 and 3 RegBkPlG). According to point 3 of the approval decision of 18.06.2015, the definition of the exemption from the authorisation is not shown in the specification card of this publication version. The articles of association published correspond to the version of the Statute Decision of 16.12.2014, as amended by the approval of 18.06.2015. The publication in the Official Gazette No.43 of the State of Brandenburg and thus the acquisition of res judicata took place on 30 October 2015.
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