Woelbaecker, Beet crops, High beds
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wölbacker :
Wolves, also called high bakers or arable raised beds, originated until the Middle Ages by the use of non-reversible plough coulters.
Wölbäcker originated from the use of iron ploughs, which were pulled by oxen or horses and — in contrast to the later reversible plough — could only turn the field crumbs in one direction. In order to turn the ploughing harness as rarely as possible, the hallways were laid out in the form of long bakers. They had a width of a few meters and lengths of 100 meters and more.
Nowadays, remnants of wolf bakery halls can be seen in many places in grassland or under forest by a wave-shaped terrain formation. Wolves in forest areas indicate that the forest originated on deserted cultural land. This may be an indication of the fields of deserts. Many wolf bakers are unknown, as the mapping is elaborate. With Airborne laser scanning from aircraft, wolves can also be documented in the forest.[3] Wölbäckers are a vivid example of the history of the cultural landscape.
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