Wuppertal ATOM Feed Children’s Day Facilities

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.06 00:00
Available languages
Betreuungsangebot, Kita, integrative Tageseinrichtung, GDI-W, Kindertageseinrichtung, opendata, Inklusion, öffentliche Jugendhilfe, Kindertagesstätte, SGB VIII, inspireidentifiziert, Kinderbetreuung, Kindergarten, Sozialgesetzbuch VIII, Wuppertal
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Download Service for the children’s day care facilities in Wuppertal provides a dataset for download, which includes the inventory data on the daycare facilities (kitas) of all institutions in the Wuppertal city area (as of 12/2020 in total 206 daycare centers). The data are kept and updated continuously by the responsible department (staff office) “need planning” of the municipal company 202 “Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder — Jugendamt” with a specialised procedure within the Wuppertal navigation and data management system Wunda. (Wunda is a cross-thematic, web-based geoinformation system on the intranet of the city administration of Wuppertal.) The locations of the daycare centers are digitised using their addresses as point geometries. The digital real estate card and the official base card ABK serve as the basis for each daycare. The data set includes contact information, a hyperlink to the homepage, the earliest possible admission age, the temporal scope of care per week and a reference to a focus in the area of inclusion (yes or no). The data to which the download service is accessed is updated weekly in a fixed cycle. The dataset is available under an open data license (CC BY 4.0). According to the AG Geokom.NRW of the leading municipal associations in NRW and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, there is a statutory publication obligation for the locations of daycare facilities in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive and the Spatial Data Access Act NRW. In the recommendation for action of this WG, they are assigned to the topic “Supply economy and government services” in Annex III of the guideline.
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