Wuppertal ATOM Feed cycling routes

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Sambatrasse, Radwanderweg, Bergbahntrasse Solingen, Radroute, Wuppertal, GDI-W, Radwegenetz, Radverkehrsnetz Nordrhein-Westfalen, Radverkehrsnetz NRW, Bergisches Land, Radverkehrsnetz, opendata, Radverkehr, Panoramaradweg Niederbergbahn, Deutsche Fußballroute NRW, Nordbahntrasse, Korkenziehertrasse
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Download Service for the cycling routes (municipal and NRW network) in Wuppertal provides a dataset for download, which (as of 12/2020) includes the 11 local signposted municipal cycle paths of the city of Wuppertal as well as related sections of cycle paths outside the Wuppertal city area. In addition, it contains the relevant excerpt for Wuppertal of the routes from the cycling network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Municipal cycle paths also include the Nordbahntrasse, the Sambatrasse and the Schwarzbachtrasse, three cycle paths built on former railway paths with high recreational and adventure value. In addition, the dataset also includes those sections of cross-regional tourist bike routes that run through Wuppertal. All cycle routes are represented geometrically by the central axes of the associated roads and paths, which have been digitised on the basis of the Digital Basic Map DGK and from 2016 of the ABK Official Base Map. The dataset was first completed in January 2011 and has since been continued in the event of changes to the cycle routes. The ESRI shape files, KML and GeoJSON files that the download service accesses as open data under the CC BY 4.0 license are updated weekly in an automated process.
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