Wuppertal ATOM Feed georeferenced inventory addresses

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
GDI-W, Straßenschlüssel, opendata, ALKIS, Adresse, Landesbauordnung, Fertigstellungsanzeige, Hausnummer, ProBAUG, Gebäudereferenz, Wuppertal, Hausnummernzusatz, WuNDa/Adressen, BauO NRW, Adresszusatz, Straßenname, Stadtbezirk, Bauordnung NRW, Kilometerquadrat
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Download Service for the georeferenced existing addresses Wuppertal provides a dataset for download, which contains the official address components (road key, street name, house number, address addition, ETRS89-UTM32-kilometer square, district) and the location coordinates of all house number-bearing buildings in Wuppertal. For data sets of this kind, the state of NRW has introduced the term “Building References”. The dataset does not include postcodes, is therefore not suitable for the production of anonymous mass mailings. It is created by the weekly automated merging of the building references from the Official Property Register Information System ALKIS for the measured buildings and the building references of existing but not yet measured buildings from the municipal information system Wunda/addresses, a subsystem within the Wuppertal navigation and data management system Wunda. However, the determination of the existing buildings, but not yet measured, is carried out only once a month by means of a comparison with the building permit procedure ProBAUG. The coordinates of the ALKIS building references correspond to the insertion position of the house number in the property map. The coordinates of the building references to existing but not yet measured buildings differ in the order of a few meters from the ALKIS coordinates available only later. The data is provided in ESRI-Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON and CSV formats. The city of Wuppertal considers the combined data set as a municipal product. The data set provided by the download service is therefore under the city’s preferred open data license CC BY 4.0 and not under the “Data License Deutschland — Zero — Version 2.0 (dl-zero-de/2.0) prescribed by the State of NRW for the ALKIS building references”.
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