Wuppertal ATOM Feed Landscape Protected Areas

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Planungsgrundlagen, Gelpe, Entwicklungsmaßnahme, Landesnaturschutzgesetz NRW, Wuppertal, Landschaftsgesetz NRW, Satzung, Wuppertal-Nord, BNatSchG, opendata, Ortsrecht, LG NRW, GDI-W, Entwicklungskarte, Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, Wuppertal-West, Festsetzungskarte, Entwicklungsziel, Pflegemaßnahme, Erschließungsmaßnahme, Bachtal, Siepen, LNatSchG NRW, Wuppertal-Ost, inspireidentifiziert, Landschaft
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Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Download Service for the Landscape Protected Areas in Wuppertal provides a dataset for download, which includes, on the one hand, the scope of the landscape protection areas defined in accordance with §7 Landesnaturschutzgesetz NRW in the four legally binding landscape plans of the City of Wuppertal (Wuppertal-Gelpe, Wuppertal-Ost, Wuppertal-Nord and Wuppertal-West), on the other hand, residual areas from landscape conservation areas previously defined by the State of NRW in the “Regulation on the Protection of Landscape Areas in the Region of Wuppertal” of 30.01.1975 and the “Regulation on the Protection of Landscape Areas in the City of Düsseldorf and the District of Düsseldorf-Mettmann” of 02.01.1975. The latter regulation applied to the districts of Schöller and Dönberg, which was incorporated into the city of Wuppertal on 01.01.1975. (With the definition of the landscape conservation areas in the landscape plans, most of the landscape protected areas were repealed by regulations of the country. However, there are still many remaining areas that still have the status of a landscape conservation area under a landscape protection regulation, e.g. some parks in the inner city areas.) The spatial scopes of the landscape conservation areas were constructed by the Department of Surveying, cadastral office and spatial data by professional interpretation of the analogue and digital originals along parcel boundaries, limits of actual use or other topographic lines of the property cadastre. In doing so, the files on case-by-case planning information previously provided on the location of a parcel within or outside a landscape conservation area were also used in order to avoid contradictory statements by the city administration in this regard. Rare, case-by-case continuations of the data base (approximately once a year) are carried out due to development plan procedures and associated changes to the land use plan. An extensive continuation of the database takes place only if a new landscape plan has become final or after a legally effective change of an existing landscape plan. However, the data that the download service accesses will be updated on a regular basis for security purposes. The data set provided by the download service is subject to an open data license excluding data change (CC BY-ND 4.0). According to the AG Geokom.NRW of the leading municipal associations in NRW and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, there is a statutory publication obligation for the landscape protected areas according to the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive and the Geodata Access Act NRW. They are assigned to the topic “protected areas” in Annex I to the Directive in the recommendation for action of this WG.
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