Wuppertal ATOM Feed Monuments

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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inspireidentifiziert, Denkmalliste Teil A, Stadtgeschichte, GeoZG NRW, Gebäude, GDI-W, opendata, Geodatenzugangsgesetz NRW, Denkmalschutzgesetz NRW, Denkmallisten-Verordnung, DSchG NRW, Denkmalschutz, Denkmalpflege, Wuppertal
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Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Download Service for the architectural monuments in Wuppertal provides a spatial data extract from the Wuppertal architectural monument list, which includes all Wuppertal monuments with their non-personal attributes in geographical data formats. In terms of content, the data set includes the approximately 5000 listed buildings, construction facilities (e.g. stairways) and small monuments in Wuppertal. For each monument, the record shows the monument number, the address, the common name, the date of entry in the monument list, the scope of protection and a hyperlink to the web application “Denkmalliste Online”. The Monument List Online also offers a long-text description of the monument as well as photos of the object. The list of monuments of the city of Wuppertal has been kept since August 2008 with the special procedure ProDenkmal of PROSOZ Herten GmbH. A secondary spatial database is derived daily from a database view in the ProDenkmal database, which serves as the basis for the provision of the data on monument protection in the Wuppertal spatial data infrastructure. The ESRI shape files, KML and GeoJSON files provided as open data under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license (with exclusion of data change) are updated weekly in an automated process. According to the AG Geokom.NRW of the leading municipal associations in NRW and the state of NRW, there is a statutory publication obligation for the architectural monuments in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive and the Geodata Access Act NRW. In the recommendation for action of this WG, the architectural monuments are assigned to the topic of “protected areas” in Annex I to the Directive.
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