Wuppertal ATOM Feed NO2 Annual Averages (Passive Collector) from 2008

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Palmes-Röhrchen, NO2-Messungen, Luftqualitätsmessung, GDI-W, Passivsammler, Wuppertal, opendata, NO2-Jahresmittelwert, NO2-Konzentration, Luftreinhalteplanung, Luftqualität, Luftreinhalteplan, Jahresmittelwert, kommunales Luftmessprogramm, Luftbelastung, NO2
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Dataset description

The ATOM Feed Downloadservice for NO2 Annual Averages Wuppertal (Passive Collector) from 2008 provides a dataset for download, which includes the annual mean values of the nitrogen dioxide concentration (as of 05/2021) determined by the evaluation of passive collectors at 42 municipal measuring stations in the Wuppertal city area since 2008. As of 05/2021, the data set contains 322 measured values of 30 currently in operation stations and 12 stations whose operation has been discontinued in the meantime. The passive collectors are tubes hung in protective housings filled with adsorber material (“sample collection tubes”) in which the nitrogen dioxide is enriched by natural diffusion over an exposure period of about one month. Each row of the data set contains an annual mean of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the unit µg/m³, determined as a weighted mean of all the monthly mean values of a measuring station in a calendar year. The weighting shall be based on the actual exposure periods of the sampling tubes, which may vary slightly from month to month. Using the station number in the measurement point attribute, the annual mean values can be linked to the location data in the data set “Luftmessstation Wuppertal (Passive Collector)” published separately as Open Data. In addition, each row contains an indication of the reference year (Year attribute) and the day-sharp exposure period (attributes ZEIT_VON and ZEIT_BIS). The dataset is updated annually. The calculated annual mean values are provided to the City of Wuppertal by the company commissioned to carry out the laboratory testing of the sampling tubes together with the monthly mean values for December in January of the following year and published there. However, the data that the download service accesses is updated on a regular basis. The data set provided is available in CSV format under an open data license (CC BY 4.0).
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