The ATOM Feed Download Service for the polygons of Wuppertal’s residential areas provides a dataset for download, which forms the thematic layer for the residential map of the city of Wuppertal. The residential map has been updated and decided annually by the Evaluation Committee for Land Values in the City of Wuppertal since 2018 after its first creation in 2016. It classifies the Wuppertal residential areas in four gradations (simple, medium, good and exclusive residential area) according to the predominant character of a coherent living area. (The location quality of individual plots may differ.) The current residential location map is a basis of the qualified rental mirror for the city of Wuppertal, which has been available since December 2016. The data set provided by the download service in ESRI-Shapefile, KML and GeoJSON formats is under the Open Data license “Data License Germany — Attribution — Version 2.0 (dl-by-de/2.0)”.
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