Zensus 2011 — Road Atlas RLP — Persons per household on 9 May 2011

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.27 00:00
Available languages
Haushalte, infoMapAccessService, Personen, Wohnungen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Census 2011 — Road Atlas Rhineland-Palatinate. The 2011 census provides for the first time since the 1987 census again small-scale and technically differentiated structural data. The sub-communal results demonstrated here are primarily of great interest to those responsible for regional and municipal policy and planning. With this WMS @-@ Map Service (WMS = WebMapService), the State Statistical Office of Rheinland @-@ Pfalz presents a data atlas, whose maps provide information on the population, household and real estate structures identified in the counting on 9 May 2011 below the municipal level. In particular, the data atlas contains the following key figures from the topics ‘Buildings and Apartments’, ‘Households’ and ‘Population’: Apartments per building, rooms per apartment, proportion of self-used apartments, share of rented or rent-free apartments, share of vacant dwellings, persons per household, share of households with at least one minor child, share of pure senior households, youth ratio, old-age quotient, foreigners’ share and share of foreigners with their own migration experience.: persons per household on 9 May 2011. The average number of persons per household (excluding diplomats or members of foreign armed forces and their family members) is demonstrated.
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