Charging stations E-Autos Wuppertal

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.13 11:42
Available languages
emotal, opendata, energieverteilungssystem, energiequelle, e-mobility, e-mobilität, stadtverkehr, elektrospeicher, wuppertal, infrastruktur, geo, ladestation, energietechnik, straßenverkehr, akkumulator, automobil, elektromobilität, gdi-w, energie, erneuerbare-energiequelle, elektro-auto, fahrzeug, elektrofahrzeug, akku, verkehrsinfrastruktur, verkehr, transport-und-verkehr, umweltfreundliche-energiequelle, personenverkehr, umwelt, dienstleistungen, e-auto
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set comprises the 38 public or semi-public charging stations for electric cars from different operators in the Wuppertal city area (as of 12/2020). The data were collected for the first time in December 2014 as part of the EmoTal joint project ( The locations of the stations were recorded as freely digitised point geometries with a position accuracy of a few meters. Since the end of the EmoTal project (31.08.2017), the data are kept by the responsible performance unit (Coordinating Unit Climate Protection in the Division Office of the GB3) and updated promptly if necessary (creation of a new charging station or relevant modification of an existing station). Since 01/2020, a specialised procedure has been used within the Wuppertal navigation and data management system Wunda. In addition to the location coordinates for each station, the data set includes some descriptive attributes including a hyperlink to a photo of the installation. The ESRI shape files, KML and GeoJSON files provided as open data under the CC BY 4.0 license are updated weekly in an automated process.
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