CO2 City of Koeln 2019

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.07.26 10:53
Available languages
umwelt-und-klima, verkehr, mcloud_category_roads
Quality scoring

Dataset description

After analysing the feedback from all services, a total of 405.108 CO² in KG was generated on the flights carried out in 2019. This results in a compensation contribution from the City of Cologne for 2019 i.e. EUR 9,317.48. This amount is almost in line with the initial 2019 approach. The City of Cologne therefore donates a total of EUR 10.000 to Atmosfair for the missions carried out by the Council members and the members of the administration for the calendar year 2019. The city of Cologne will then receive a donation certificate and a certificate. Atmosfair decides on the distribution of donations according to urgency. The following 3 projects are currently being taken into account: Nepal: Small biogas plants Total savings: 350,000 tons of CO2 per year Local environment: avoids deforestation, conservation of biodiversity Other advantages: no smoke development during cooking, residues can be used as fertile fertilisers Under the “Biogas Support Programme” Nepal (BSP-Nepal), small biogas plants are built for household in rural Nepal and thus ensure an environmentally friendly energy supply. The addressees are households that currently use non-renewable energy sources (firewood) for cooking. India: Generation from harvest residues by biomass power plants Total savings: about 50,000 tons of CO2 per year Local environment: Replacement of fossil fuels Other advantages: Two biomass power plants in Tonk and Ganganagar use harvest residues to produce electricity all year round. Many thousands of small farmers have been supplying the plants with their harvest residues since 2007 — and sell the former worthless waste to the plant operator. So that farmers, who often have no means of transport, do not have to bring the fuel over long distances themselves to the power plants, collection centres are set up within a radius of 50 km around the plant. Rwanda: efficient cooking stoves Total savings: about 120,000 tons of CO2 per year Local environment: Avoid deforestation in the region Other advantages: lower costs for household energy; efficient ovens save 80 % energy The efficient ovens reduce wood consumption during cooking by up to 80 % less wood than traditional cookers, which significantly improves everyday life. At the same time, potential conflicts over wood resources between refugees and neighbouring municipalities are minimised. The efficient wood stoves are manufactured in Rwanda from imported components, creating local jobs and generating income opportunities.
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