Dataset information
Available languages
öffentliche-pläne, bauleitplanung, plis, baugesetzbuch--baugb, bodennutzung, baunutzungsverordnung--baunvo, raumbezogene-information, geoinformation, bebauungsplan
Dataset description
The development plan Blankenese 47 for the scope between Kahlkamp, Hessepark and Op'n Kamp (Altona district, district 223) is established.
The plan area shall be limited as follows:
Kahlkamp — across parcel 2529, northeast border of parcel 2529, northeast and south-east boundary of parcel 823, via parcel 2522 (Am Kiekeberg), north, east and south border of parcel 798, via parcel 2522 (Am Kiekeberg) — west, north and east boundary of parcel 801, northern boundary of parcel 2522 (Am Kiekeberg), west and north boundary of parcel 802, northern boundary of parcels 803 and 804, north and east boundary of parcel 805, northern boundary of parcel 2522 (Am Kiekeberg), west and north boundary of parcel 806, western boundary of parcels 778, 779, 780 and 781 — Blankeneser Bahnhofstraße — Hessepark — north and east boundary of parcel 809 — via parcel 2522 (Am Kiekeberg), East boundary of parcels 455 and 456, east and south borders of parcels 457 and 458, over parcel 453, east and south boundary of parcel 452, east, south and west boundary of parcel 2125, east, south and west boundary of parcel 446, southern boundary of parcel 2521, via parcel 438 (Beckers Stairs) — Flashoffs Stairs — Op'n Kamp — western boundary of parcel 2520, southern boundary of parcel 1830, via parcel 408 (Steiler Weg), East and west boundary of parcel 406, west and north boundary of parcel 405, western boundary of parcel 404, south and west borders of parcels 392 and 393 — Charitas- Bischoff-Treppe — southern boundary of parcel 2410, east, south and west boundary of parcel 843, southeast and south-west boundary of parcel 845 of the landmark Blankenese.
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