Existing facilities Electricity Berlin

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.10.04 13:33
Available languages
strom, bestand-anlagen-strom
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The map shows locations of electricity-feeding power generation plants in Berlin for 2016, which are powered by biomass (balance sheet or physical on-site), with their respective output in kW. The location was based on the address details of the reported plant data. It cannot be ruled out that in individual cases there are small spatial deviations from the actual plant location. As a rule, the biomass stream is produced in the cogeneration process, so that the plants described here were also considered under the point of cogeneration and partly overlapping with generation plants requiring authorisation pursuant to the 4th BImSchV (2016) and are presented here separately. Installations with an installed electrical power up to a maximum of 30 kW are not displayed individually at their address for data protection reasons. The presentation of these installations is therefore carried out in such a way that a location is not clearly identifiable.
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