Floor overview map 1:200.000 (BÜK200) — CC8742 Bad Reichenhall

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.14 00:00
Available languages
bodentyp, bodeninformationssystem, bodenauslaugung, opendata, bodenskelett, bodenchemie, bayern, bodenart, bodenerosion, bodenfunktion, boden, bodengruppe, bodennutzbarkeit, bodengüte, bodenmechanik, bodennutzung, bodenform, bodenprofil, bodenausgangsgestein, bodensubstrat, bodenbelastung, bodenphysikalische-eigenschaften, bodensystematik, bad-reichenhall, effektive-durchwurzelungstiefe, bodengesellschaft, bodenmineralogie, bodenluft, bodeneigenschaften, durchlässigkeit, fachinformationssystem, bodendegradation, bodenbiologie, bodengefüge, bodenfeuchtigkeit, bodenkarte, bodendekontamination, bodenverbreitung, ackerbauliches-ertragspotential, bodengestaltung, bodenhorizont, bodenfruchtbarkeit, bodenbildung, soil, bodenbearbeitung
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Dataset description

The soil overview map 1:200,000 (BÜK200) is compiled by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials (BGR) in cooperation with the State Geological Services (SGD) of the federal states in the sheet section of the topographic overview map 1:200,000 (TÜK200) and published in 55 individual map sheets. The digital, leaf-free data storage provides a detailed, uniform and comprehensive information basis for countries on land use and soil protection. The BGR’s website on the subject of ground informs about the current status of the map work. The distribution and socialisation of soils in the area of this map sheet is described by 74 legend units (divided by soil regions and large soil landscapes). Each legend unit contains soil systematic information (floor subtype) and information on the ground exit rock for both the guide floors and their companions. In the course of the processing of the BÜK200 neighbouring leaf Rosenheim, the LBG dataset of Bad Reichenhall was changed at the western edge of the leaf (Stand 12. December 2017).
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