General Educational Schools (D12.4b): Transitions from secondary schools by gender, nationality, school form of the target schooland sponsorship — municipalities — school year

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.18 11:07
Available languages
schulformwechsel, gemeinden, schulformwechsel-von-förderschulen, zielschulform-der-wechsler-von-förderschulen, förderschulen-im-vorjahr, grundschulen, freie-waldorfschulen, privat, geschlecht, förderschulen, schulformwechsel-an-förderschulen, realschulen, statistik-der-allgemeinbildenden-schulen, nationalität, gemeinschaftsschulen, schuljahr, ausländer, männlich, sekundarschulen, gymnasien, deutsche, weiblich, gesamtschulen, öffentlich, hauptschulen, primus-schulen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

*Short description The statistics of the general education schools provide information about the school system at the general education schools in NRW in the uniform and comparable classification throughout Germany. In addition to the data on schools, pupils, teachers and lessons collected annually at the beginning of the school year, indicators and their method of calculation are also presented. The data is provided through the schools in NRW. The data are spatially differentiated up to the level of the municipalities. According to the school form concept: All courses are reported under the school’s lead form, even if they deviate from the course of the lead school form (e.g. in cooperative schools or in secondary schools with discontinued primary and secondary education courses). According to the basic school concept: Teachers working in several schools are only counted at the parent school, even if they work entirely at another school. Gender: Includes pupils with the sexes female, male, divers and without indication (in the birth register). Among females, the actual female pupils are expelled. Due to the flood disaster in mid-July 2021, seven schools were unable to provide data in the survey year 2021/22. For these general and vocational schools, it was decided to adopt the data from the survey year 2020/21: Primary school — 116002 — Swisttal GG Swist- Bachschule — Public/primary school — 116830 — Eschweiler, EG Stadtmitte — Public/primary school — 117195 -Stolberg, GG Zweifall — Public/promotional school elementary/primary school — 154684 — Schleiden, FÖ LE, ES, SQ Astrid-Lindgren — Public/promotional school elementary/primary school — 183659 — Leich- lingen, FÖ KM LVR-Paul-Klee-Schule — Public/Gymnasium — 166819 — Bad Münstereifel, Gym St.Angela — Private/Professional College — 176280 — Eschweiler, BK August-Thyssen-Str. — Publicly enquiries regarding the receipt of original data from the surveys of official school statistics since the school year 2018/19, together with the corresponding table name and the desired regional level and the desired school year(s) to the school statistics service at the e-mail address:
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