Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) — CC 4710 Münster

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.17 00:00
Available languages
geologie, rasterdaten, vektordaten, perm, karbon, allgemeine-geologie, jura, geologische-karte, nordrhein-westfalen, magmatisches-gestein, paläozoikum, sedimentgestein, überlagerungen, ordovizium, petrographie, trias, kreide, genese, känozoikum, opendata, tektonik, quartär, tertiär, mesozoikum, devon, geology, stratigraphie
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Dataset description

The Münster chalk basin is covered on Blatt Münster, which is bounded to the south by the branch of the Ruhr Carbon. At the southern edge of the map section, the Devonian rocks of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge are connected. In Münster’s chalk basin, the fractured floes of the basement mountains of up to 2 000 m thick layer packs of Cretaceous sediments are superimposed. The trough structure causes older sedimentary rocks to bite outward from the central area of the basin, i.e. the campan in the centre follows Santon, Coniac, Turon and Cenoman on the edge of the basin. The Upper Cretaceous sediments are mainly limestone and marl rocks, which are partly covered by quaternary looser sediments. In addition to loaming of the Saale cold-time basic moraine, overlays are widespread due to eolian and fluviatile deposits of the Vistula cold season. A special feature is the Münsterland main gravel train, which crosses the chalk basin from northwest to southeast and is recorded here in the map sheet near Münster. The wall-like, narrow back of well-layered gravel (Os) was formed by melting waters of the Drenthe-stadial. Holocene deposits of rivers, bogs and lakes fall behind the glacial relics in terms of area. The sediment layers of Münster’s credentials, which are very strongly curved on the north-east beach, form the ridge of the Teutoburg Forest, which is cut in the northeast corner of the map sheet. To the south, the chalk basin is bounded by a narrow strip of upper carbon clay and mudstones. This Ruhr Carbon also marks the border with the Rhenish Schiefergebirge in the south. The Rheinische Schiefergebirge is one of the low mountain ranges of the folded and shifted Paleozoic. In the map section, the northernmost part of the slate mountains is cut with the Sauerland. Devonian sedimentary rocks (mainly Middle Devonian shale and sandstones) determine the image. What’s more, the intrusions of vulcanites are striking: in the Sauerland, the term main green stone refers to the sequence of diabass and shawl stones (slate Diabas and Keratophyrtuffe) with switched on sediment layers. In Sauerland, the following individual structures can be distinguished from west to east: Remscheider Sattel, Lüdenscheider Mulde, Ebbe saddle and Attendorn-Elsper Mulde. While older sediments of the lower devonium (Ems, victories) appear in the saddle structures, younger deposits have been preserved in the synclinals, such as upper devon and subcarbon in the Attendorn-Elsper Mulde. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the represented units, a geological section provides insights into the structure of the subsurface. The north-south profile cuts the Münstersche Kreidesenke, the Ruhr Carbon and the Devonian sediment layers of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge.
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