Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) — CC 5518 Fulda

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.17 00:00
Available languages
devon, rasterdaten, känozoikum, tertiär, hessen, opendata, silur, perm, geology, tektonik, mesozoikum, genese, sedimentgestein, metamorphes-gestein, quartär, jura, geologische-karte, magmatisches-gestein, petrographie, stratigraphie, paläozoikum, vektordaten, trias, geologie, allgemeine-geologie
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Dataset description

Leaf Fulda shows part of the Hessian Buntsandstein landscape, which is bounded to the west by foothills of the Rhenish Schiefergebirge and in the north by the collapse of the Northern Hessian Tertiärsenke. In the southern part of the map are the young volcanic areas of the Vogelsberg and the Rhön. The Hessian sandstone landscape is formed by mostly flat-bearing sediment layers of the colorful sandstone. The sandstones, subordinate to claystones and conglomerates, were deposited in a mainland basin covering large parts of Central Europe. The area is crossed by a variety of Saxon trenches, in which younger sediments (Muschelkalk, Keuper, Lias) have been preserved. A larger bite of mussel limestone and keuper can be found, for example, on the eastern beach of the map sheet near Hünfeld and in the Ringau. Above the pedestal of the Buntsandstein rise the young volcanicite areas of Vogelsberg, Rhön and Knüllgebirge. The Vogelsberg is one of the largest closed basalt areas in Central Europe with an area of around 2,500 square kilometres. It consists of a multitude of overlapping ceilings of basalts, Tholeiites and Trachytes, which rose in the Miocene. Basaltes and basalt-like, alkaline rocks (phonolites, nephelinites) can also be found in the Rhön and Knüll (south of Homberg). In the sinks and lowlands of the vulcanite areas, pleistocene overlays are widely used by slope debris, flowing soils and loess. In the area of the North Hessian tertiary sink, the Buntsandstein store eocene, oligocene and pliocene curler sediments, partly covered by pleistocene deposits (fluviatile and aeolian sands). Folded and shifted rocks of the Paleozoic (Devon and Carbon) characterise on the map sheet the foothills of the Rhenish Slate Mountains, with sediment rocks (sandstone, grey wacke, clay and pebble slate) dominate the subcarbon. In the cellar forest, between Frankenau and Bad Wildungen, sandstones and clay slates of the Middle and Upper Devon are open in a larger area. Along disturbance zones, they are switched on vulcanites (diabase) of the subcarbon. Zechstein sediments surround the base mountain eruptions of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the depicted units, two geological incisions provide insights into the structure of the subsurface. Profile 1 crosses the Paleozoic of the Rhenish Slate Mountains, the Buntsandstein landscape of the Frankenberg Bay and the Lower Hessian Tertiärsenke. Profile 2 runs from Taunus in the west to the Wetterau, the Vogelsberg and the Hessian Buntsandstein to the Rhön.
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