Dataset information
Available languages
paläozoikum, känozoikum, rasterdaten, geologie, hessen, genese, allgemeine-geologie, präkambrium, petrographie, baden-württemberg, devon, proterozoikum, kambrium, tertiär, opendata, ordovizium, trias, magmatisches-gestein, perm, sedimentgestein, geology, metamorphes-gestein, mesozoikum, geologische-karte, vektordaten, stratigraphie, karbon, tektonik, quartär
Dataset description
Blatt Frankfurt/Main-East records the geological conditions between Frankfurt am Main and Würzburg, with the tertiary volcanic regions of Rhön and Vogelsberg in the north, the foothills of the Taunus in the northwest and the Odenwald in the southwest of the map sheet. Sedimentary rocks of the Triassic dominate the map section. The clay stones of the lower keuper in the southeast corner are joined in the north-west direction of limestone, marl and claystones of the mussel limestone, as well as sand and mudstones of the Bunt sandstone. Rhön, Spessart and the eastern Odenwald are among the well-known Buntsandstein landscapes in Germany. Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are recorded in the northwestern part of the map sheet. Thus, in the far northwest, the Taunus anticlinorium is cut with variscally over-embossed sedimentary rocks (tones shale, quartzite) of the lower devonian. In the Wetterau-Sink there are powerful molasses sediments of the Red Laying, which are however widely covered by younger sediment layers and vulcanites. Endogenous forces in the tertiary led to the lowering of the Wetterau, the sedimentation of partly marine sands and clays, and the penetration of basaltic magma along disturbance zones. Overlays by glacial sediments, e.g. loess and flight sands, are also widely used. Crystalline Paleozoic and Precambrium are present in the western parts of Odenwald and Spessart. While Buntsandstein sediments come to light in the eastern part of the Odenwald, metamorphic and magmatic rocks store alternately in the western part of the southwest-north-east. The metamorphites are variscially over-embossed mica slate or gneise, rare amphibolites and marbles. Variscian magmatites include biotitgranites, granodiorites, diorites and gabbros. The river course of the Main separates the Odenwald from Spessart. At the mouth of Kinzig and Main, east of Hanau and north of Aschaffenburg, the crystalline rocks of the pre-species (kambrian and pre-kambrian mica slate, gneise and quartzite) are stored. Here, too, the intrusion of magmatic rocks (diorites) occurred during the variscian deformation. However, these occur only in the extreme southeast, e.g. east of Aschaffenburg, in small deposits. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the depicted units, a northwest-southeast profile provides insights into the construction of the underground. The cutting line crosses the Devon des Taunus, the rotten and tertiary layers of the Wetterau sink, the crystalline of the prespess species and the colorful sandstone formations of the Spessart. In the geological map, the color and style of the printed signatures indicate the degree of metamorphic overprinting and the course of the structures.
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