Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200) — CC 7142 Deggendorf

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.17 00:00
Available languages
devon, allgemeine-geologie, bayern, präkambrium, proterozoikum, vektordaten, petrographie, geologische-karte, metamorphes-gestein, karbon, magmatisches-gestein, tertiär, känozoikum, silur, kambrium, rasterdaten, paläozoikum, opendata, genese, sedimentgestein, quartär, geologie, geology, tektonik, ordovizium, stratigraphie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Blatt Deggendorf is dominated by the crystalline rocks of the Bohemian Mass. Sedimentary rocks of the Känozoic can be found only isolated and almost exclusively in the river valleys of Danube, Chamb, Radbuza, Wottawa and Uhlava. The occurrences of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are also limited regionally, e.g. in the northern Merlin Basin (limnic-fluviatile deposits of the upper carbon). Most of the map section takes up Bavarian Forest and Bohemian Forest, which are part of the Moldanubic of Variscides. Their metamorphic rocks are widely enforced by paleozoic magmatite massifs, such as the Moldanubian and Central Bohemian Pluton. Characteristic of the map sheet are a variety of fault zones. The large Sheer Zone of the Bayrish Pile runs through the area from northwest to southeast. Parallel to this is the Rundinger Zone. In the northwest part of the map sheet, Bohemian stake and Marienbad break extend from north-northwest to south-southeast. Both are cut off in their southern boundary by the basic plutonite massif of the High Bow near Furth in the forest. Bounded by the Bohemian pile in the west and the Central Bohemian Pluton in the south and east, in the northern part of the map, pre-kambrian crystal stones of the Barrandium (Phyllite, Grauwacken, Hornfelse) and Tauser Kristallin (Gneise, mica slate, Hornfelse) are open. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the represented units, a tectonic overview map shows the large geological units vividly. Large disturbance zones were lifted out and marked with lowercase letters (a — Bavarian pile, b — Bohemian pile, c — Central Bohemian Sheer Zone, d — Marienbader Bruch, e — Rundinger Zone, f — Donaurandbruch). Two geological sections, both located on Bohemian territory, provide additional insights into the construction of the subsurface. In the northeast part of the map, the barrandium, the central Bohemian Pluton and the Moldanubic are cut from northwest to southeast. In the northwest section of the map, a shorter, southwest-north-east-facing section begins in the Moldanubic region of the Bohemian Forest and extends over the disturbance zone of the Bohemian Pole to the Barrandium.
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