Dataset information
Available languages
geologie, tektonik, präkambrium, geologische-karte, karboon, perm, magmatisches-gestein, metamorphes-gestein, trias, petrographie, geology, genese, sedimentgestein, stratigraphie, rasterdaten, opendata, jura, allgemeine-geologie, mesozoikum, quartär, devon, känozoikum, kambrium, vektordaten, ordovizium, paläozoikum, tertiär, baden-württemberg
Dataset description
Blatt Freiburg-Nord shows the southern Oberrheingraben with its two flanks: the Vosges in the west and the Black Forest in the east. The Black Forest, on the eastern flank of the Upper Rhine moat, is built by Variscian granites, gneisen and anatexites. In the case of variscian folding, the metamorphosis of precambrian sedimentary rocks occurred; in addition, granitic deep rock pllutones in the upper carbon penetrated. Permic rhyolites (quartz porphytes) found in several parts of the middle and northern Black Forest are interpreted as ignimrites. To the north and east, the crystal stones of the Black Forest submerge under the permo-mesozoic mountain range. On the western edge of the map sheet, a small part of the northern Vosges is cut. The mountain range, which is also characterised by variety, is very similar to the Black Forest by structure and rock structure, but larger deposits of Paleozoic sediments have been preserved. In addition to granites, diorites and paragn irons, the map also includes Cambrian to Silurian slates as well as rubble sediments of the Red Laying. The Oberrheingraben crosses the leaf from south-southwest to north-northeast. The trench structure is filled with tertiary sediments. However, the tertiary occurs only occasionally under the quaternary cover layer of loess and flight sands, fluviatile or glazifluviatile deposits, weathering and floating clay. The trench edge area is formed by the outer edge faults at which the vertical main offset of the trench structure took place, and break fields with breaks of lower discard height. In the so-called Vorberg zones, base mountains and permo-mesozoic coverings have fallen into the trench in a row and thus, protected from removal, have been preserved. On the western edge of the Upper Rhine moat is the broken field of Ribeauvillé, south of the Vosges, and the break field of Zabern, in the northwest corner of the map leaf. On the eastern beach of the Graben, the Vorbergzone of Emmendingen-Lahr and the Freiburg Bay are covered. The trench formation in the tertiary was accompanied by an increased volcanism, which culminated in the promotion of olivine-nephelinitic melts in the volcano area of the Kaiserstuhl. Today, the heavily drained volcanic ruins of miocene volcanicites and tuffens are covered by Pleistocene loess and partly superimposed. In addition to the legend, which informs about the age, genesis and petrography of the represented units, a tectonic overview map illustrates the geological units in the map section. A geological section provides additional insight into the structure of the subsurface. The West-East profile crosses the Oberrheingraben with the Kaiserstuhl and Freiburg Bay as well as the crystal stones of the Black Forest.
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