Group layer biotope types (area, line, dot)

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.25 00:00
Available languages
biotoptypen, datenbank, opendata, inspireidentifiziert, lebensräume-und-biotope, biotopkartierung, informationssystem, karten-layer, linfos, raumbezogene-information, kataster, biotoptyp, naturschutz, landschaftsinformation, landschaft, biotop, regional, karte
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Important note: The dataset is updated daily under OpenData NRW! The group layer biotope types can be selected in the Web Map Service Landscape Information Collection (WMS LINFOS) and shows the spatial location of biotope types worth protecting in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the biotope cadastre three viewing levels. The first and least geometrically least detailed view level “BK” leads as a basic unit the “worthy biotope”, which is often a biotope complex from an ecological point of view. In most cases, for these “worthy biotopes”, more detailed data collection is available, so that a “protective biotope” is composed of several different biotope types areas in the cadastre. However, since each biotope type area apart from the main structural type code is also assigned a type of vegetation and additional codes about the ecological site, existing small structures, forms of use and/or stage training, all information is available for each biotope type area in order to be able to assign it to a habitat type. At the BT level, the “habitation type” encodes to a large extent uniform ecological conditions for communities or parts of communities.
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