Inspire NI Digital Orthophotos Lower Saxony (DOP20)

Open data API in a single place

Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.15 14:28
Available languages
gdimrh, kartographie, open-data, orthofotografie, regional, geographie, inspireidentifiziert, advmis, opendata
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Digital orthophotos (DOPs) are high-resolution, distortion-free images of the Earth’s surface. Since 2001, they have been produced by a computerised equalisation process with a geometric accuracy of approximately ± 0.4 m from aerial images, usually in scale 1: There are 12 000 perpendicular shots. The pixel size of the DOP on the ground is by default 0.4 m x 0.4 m, since 2007 even 0.2 m x 0.2 m. They are coloured, sharp and as precise as a map. Digital orthophotos are scale-width and can thus be compared directly with maps of the same scale or digitally combined with specialist data, for example road planning. Since 2008, an infrared channel has also been recorded in the creation of the digital orthophotos and offered in various forms: Characteristics RGBI: Representation together with the three color channels of the normal orthophoto; Type of CIR: Representation of the infrared channel along with the red and green channel of the normal DOP; Type of IR: Representation of the infrared channel only
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