Land market report Wuppertal 2008

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.09 00:00
Available languages
wuppertal, preisniveau, umrechnungskoeffizienten, gutachterausschuss, gebäudefaktoren, immobilienmarktdaten, liegenschaftszinssatz, infrastruktur_bauen_wohnen, grundstückswert, vergleichsfaktoren, opendata, umsatz, gdi-w,, marktanpassungsfaktoren, preisentwicklung, immobilienmarkt, geo, wertermittlung, marktanalyse, wirtschaft_arbeit, indexreihe, grundstücksmarktbericht
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Dataset description

The Review Committee on Land Values in the City of Wuppertal publishes an annual land market report based on statistical evaluations of all previous year’s purchase contracts for buildings and undeveloped land in the city area of Wuppertal. Since 2004, the land market report has been titled with the year of its publication. The “Property Market Report 2008” therefore refers to the purchase case data of 2007 and thus reflects the average conditions of the real estate market in 2007. The land market report makes the Wuppertal real estate market transparent and comprehensible, including for valuation experts and private individuals who want to buy or sell real estate. It informs about sales, price developments and price levels in the individual sub-markets. In addition, it contains the so-called “other data required for valuation” according to §193 Building Code (e.g. index series, real estate interest rates and market adjustment factors) as well as information on commercial rents. Since 1.1.2016 the digital issues of the real estate market reports have been under an open data license, as of 1.3.2020 the license was changed to the data license Deutschland — Zero — Version 2.0 (dl-zero-de/2.0). The Wuppertal Review Committee therefore makes all land market reports available for download under dl-zero-de/2.0 since reference year 2000, even if different conditions of use are listed in the imprint of the respective documents, valid at the time of publication.
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