List of exiled books

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.23 12:48
Available languages
simplesearch, verbannte_bücher, drittes_reich, index, verbotene_autoren, nationalsozialismus, bücherverbrennung, verbotene_bücher
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Dataset description

The “List of Harmful and Unwanted Writings” contains the authors compiled by the National Socialists between 1938 and 1941 and their works, which were banned in the Third Reich. This list was passed on only as a confidential document to the Reichsschrifttumskammer as well as the boards of book trade and libraries. Here, the NS ban list is made available completely online for the first time. The list was prepared using an OCR procedure. We do not guarantee any accuracy. In the context of scientific work, we should always review the data we have provided. Meaning of the fields: title = Book title ssFlag = This font is preceded by a “+” in the written list. Thus, an additional ban is issued by the Reichsführer SS and the head of the German police. More about this here: authorFirstname = Author’s first name authorLastname = last name of the author firstEditionPublisher = Publisher of the first edition firstEditionPublicationPlace = Place of publication of the first edition firstEditionPublicationYear = Year of publication of the first edition secondEditionPublisher = publishing house of the second edition secondEditionPublicationPlace = Place of publication of the second edition secondEditionPublicationYear = Year of publication of the second edition additionalInfos = more information pageNumberInOCRDocument = Page number in the original document that was scanned. ocrResult = text string of the OCR scan
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