Maps of the German Empire 1: 100 000, normal edition 244 Eberswalde

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.23 21:38
Available languages
karte, opendata, vermessung, bodenbedeckung, 1100.000, historisch
Quality scoring

Dataset description

On the Prussian proposal, the production of a unified Reichskartewerk was decided in 1878 and was first completed by the Länder of Prussia, Bavaria, Württemberg and Saxony in 1909. The map of the German Empire 1: 100 000 in 675 sheets is the first map of larger scale, which has been processed nationwide for the then Reich area and was therefore considered for a long time as the General Staff Card par excellence. The map was designed in polyhedral projection as a grade department map and has an extension of 30 degrees geogr. Length and 15 degrees geogr. Wide. This results in a medium map format of 35 cm x 28 cm corresponding to an area of 35 km x 28 km. The map work originally appeared in a monochrome edition, a decided multi-color edition was not completed. The cards are delivered plano.
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