Mobility model_Landkreis-Hildesheim

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.06 11:04
Available languages
mfund-projekt-kombinom, mfund-fkz-19f1072a, mobilität, mcloud_category_roads, datenmodell, ländlicher-raum, kombinierter-verkehr, mcloud_id03ce841f-923c-42b6-8d1b-5104517a52f9, mobilitätsverhalten
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This data set is a mobility model that quantifies mobility flows and volumes in the rural towns of Schulenburg, Nordstemmen and Sarstedt in Hildesheim County based on mobility studies, public transport passenger counts, data from private mobility providers and GPS mobile data for the years 2019 and 2020. Information on mobility volume includes travel purposes, times, weekdays and distance travelled per source-target relationship and is aggregated and target address specific on a monthly basis. The dataset contains the following fields: _tripID [Integer]: Individual identification number of a route cluster _tripType [String]: Purpose of the distance cluster traveled without distinction between round-trip routes _tripCount [Integer]: Total number of distances between start and end coordinates in a cluster _startClusterID [Integer]: Individual identification number of a cluster _startDistrict [String]: Locality of the starting point _startZip [Integer]: Postcode of the starting location _startLat [decimal degree]: Latitude of the center of a starting cluster _startLong [decimal degree]: Longitude of the center of a starting cluster _distance [Integer]: Distance travelled in kilometers _endClusterID [Integer]: Individual identification number of a cluster _endDistrict [String]: District of the destination _endZip [Integer]: Postcode of the destination _endLat [decimal degree]: Latitude of the centre of a target cluster _endLong [decimal degree]: Longitude of the center of a target cluster _mobilityMode [String]: Means of transport travelled with the route cluster _weekday [String]: Weekday on which the route cluster was completed _timeslot [Integer]: Time at the beginning of the route cluster rounded to full hours The data comes from the mFUND project “Data Modeling for the Use of Autonomous Minibuses in Rural Areas for Combined Transport of Persons and Goods” (Combinom), which deals with data availability for simulation-based mapping and analysis of combined transports in rural areas. Kombinom is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as part of the innovation initiative mFUND. As part of mFUND, the BMVI has been supporting research and development projects on data-based digital applications for mobility 4.0 since 2016. In addition to the financial support, the mFUND supports the networking between actors from politics, business and research as well as access to the data portal mCLOUD with various event formats. More information can be found at
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