Municipal waste volume according to balance sheet number and disposal path 2020

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.27 14:07
Available languages
abfall, abfallmengen, siedlungsabfall, abfallbilanz, abfallwirtschaft
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Dataset description

This dataset contains data on the volume of municipal waste in Schleswig-Holstein in 2020 in tonnes and kilograms per capita, by type of waste according to the Waste Register Ordinance (AVV) and their classification to the classification of the municipal waste balance and the 15 districts and district-free cities. The data were made available by the public waste disposal agencies (ÖRE) to the Land Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) and checked, evaluated and summarised by the LLUR within the framework of the annual balance sheet obligation pursuant to § 4(2) of the Land Waste Management Act (LAbfWG).A detailed look at the data on the current reporting year can also be found here: The quantities of waste are quantities of waste disposed of in the context of their activities as a public waste carrier, i.e., as a rule, the waste comes from private households and comparable business and commercial enterprises or — according to the respective waste statutes — waste is required for disposal. There are discrepancies compared to the survey by the Statistics Office Nord and the Federal Statistical Office, as some waste keys and therefore subsets are not taken into account. ## Structure of the file The following columns are included in the files: — ‘year’ — year in which the waste was generated and collected or disposed of — ‘Bilanznr’ — Number of the balance sheet group according to the classification in the waste balance sheet of the Land Schleswig-Holstein — ‘balance sheet’ — name of the balance sheet number — ‘Schluessel_AVV_EAK’ — six-digit key according to the Waste Directory Ordinance AVV. Attention: individual waste keys are assigned to two different balance groups.The distinction is made by the composition or type of collection of the waste. — ‘waste designation_AVV_EAK’ — waste designation according to the Waste List Ordinance AVV to the six-digit AVV key; if the name starts with an asterisk (*), it is a hazardous waste according to AVV — ‘dangerous’ — dangerous within the meaning of the Waste List Ordinance AVV, j for yes, n for no — ‘district_name’ — Name of the district or city from which the waste originates — ‘circle_key’ — two-digit circle key — ‘quantity_in_t’ — waste mass in tonnes (t) with three decimal places — ‘kg_proEinw’ — mass of waste in kilograms (kg) per capita with three decimal places — ‘Source_Stand’ — Data source and final status of the survey — ‘source’ — Data source — ‘state’ — last state of the survey Separator is semicolon, character set Western European (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1).
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